(Next Day)
It was an anniversary of Vineet and Amyra. They have been together from the past 10 years now. Amyra (Who was unaware of the present situation) decided to throw a party. She booked a table at County's club and asked Rohan to join them. It was 11:30 AM and the sun was at its best when it comes to shining.
(The Restaurant)
After Informal greetings and ordering some food, (just to start the conversation) Amyra started telling, Rohan about what has been changed in their life since when they both decided to be in a relationship.On the other hand, Vineet was not looking so good. Although he was trying to act normally, inside he was torn into pieces. He was constantly staring Rohan's Face during that whole time.
Imagine, you're so-called Best friend has hidden so many secrets from you. How would you feel? Disheartened!! This is exactly what Vineet was feeling. Rohan felt a little awkward when he saw that Vineet is more Silent today. He asked Vineet
Rohan- "Brother, are you okay? Why are you looking at me like this?"
Vineet Suddenly took off his eyes from Rohan's face and said,
"Yes, I am fine, I was just watching how one can hide their emotions or secrets so beautifully even with their best friends."
Rohan-"Secrets? what are you talking about?"
Amyra-"What kind of secrets are you talking about? And whom you are pointing too?" asked Amyra Curiously.
Vineet-"You will come to know whom I'm referring too. A friend who broke my heart."
Rohan-"Who broke your heart? What's wrong with you today.?"
Vineet-"What's wrong with me? why don't you answer this question?"
Rohan flinched a little bit and looked at Vineet for a second. He didn't say a word. Amyra broke this silence between two of them and asked
"Why are you asking this to Rohan?"
"Is everything okay Rohan?"
Rohan-"I don't know why is he behaving like this today. And I don't have any idea what is he talking about. "
Vineet Immediately confronted Rohan and said in anger, "Oh Really! you were going to attempt suicide once, and till now you haven't shared a single word with me. I know you are a little introvert kind of a person but I never imagined this, that my only best friend will hide his feelings, his emotions, his life bad phases with me so beautifully."
Amyra- What? Suicide!! But why?
Vineet- what else should I tell you Amyra? He was pressurised by his parents to pursue the career of their choice. His choices were never given any priorities. He went into depression for some time and started doing drugs too.
Amyra- Depression? when did this happen?
Vineet-He is a master in hiding things Amyra. Remember when he went to his nanny's house for two months.?
Amyra- Yes, I remember.
Vineet- That's when he went into depression. And he never told us about it. And i don't know how many secrets he is still hiding from us.
An awkward silence caught three of them and left Rohan in a shock mode.
Rohan Curiously asked Vineet, "How did you know all this?"
Vineet said, "I know many things, my friend. The Things you never wanted But you never shared with me. I feel like I failed as a friend"
"Did you stole my diary ?" Rohan Asked.
Vineet took out the diary and throws in front of them and said "YES".
Rohan-"How dare you Vineet? Why did you take my diary without my permission? " said angrily.
Vineet replied with the same intensity - "Thank god! I stole this diary. If I haven't stolen this diary, I would have never come to know about what you were going through".
Amyra-"Calm down guys. Stop exaggerating"
"You stay away from this Amyra, it's none of your business" Said Vineet.
Rohan said nothing, but it was seen clearly from his face that he didn't like the act of Vineet of stealing his diary. Amyra was also upset by the rude behaviour of Vineet. Rohan left the restaurant in anger. Vineet also started his car and left the restaurant.
At night both Vineet and Rohan tried to sleep at their respective homes, but it came out to be the longest night for both of them.

It was snowing heavily outside as the winter was at his peak. Vineet got up after having a sleep of 2 or 3 hours. He woke up, made himself a coffee, went to the balcony and sat on the chair. He was feeling very uneasy, maybe a headache. He was continuously thinking about Rohan and was feeling guilty regarding what he said to Rohan in rage. He decided to call Rohan and wanted to sort all the things, But Rohan didn't answer the call. After calling and messaging Rohan So many times, he decided to go at Rohan's place. Where Vineet came to know that Rohan went to his Village back to his nanny's house.
So many days after, he got no response from his best friend. Vineet just wanted to meet his best friend and wanted to sort all the things, wanted to say sorry that he didn't realise what he was going through all those times.

He wrote the last message in desperation that he will reply by seeing this, he wrote: "I know you are mad at me. Just wanted to apologise for that day. Just wanted to say, I'm leaving for Chicago, for further higher studies. I hope you will come to see me off. I have a flight at 1 pm tomorrow. I'll be waiting for you at the Airport. "
What do you think , Rohan will come to meet Vineet and see him off happily?
What do you think after this event, their bonding would be the same as before?
To know more, stay tuned for the next and Final Episode. Till then keep Guessing.
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